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Questions to Ask in Your Therapy Session

Therapy is an extremely beneficial tool to use to help better your mental health. But, it can be expensive and, if not done properly, can be a waste of your time and money. So how can you ensure you are getting your money’s worth and that your therapy sessions are beneficial? You should start by asking yourself and your therapist the right questions during your therapy sessions.

Asking yourself and your therapist the right questions is usually the first step in getting your mental health in the right direction. If you don’t ask the right questions, then you won’t get the answers you need to make the right changes to different aspects of life.


7 Questions to Ask Your Therapist

These are some common therapy questions that you can ask to ensure you are getting the most out of your treatment:

What do I want to achieve with therapy?

Ask yourself why it is you are seeking out therapy and what you hope to accomplish by doing so. This is what will help your therapist configure your treatment plan and identify techniques that they think will be successful.

You can also start by setting goals for therapy and milestones you hope to achieve. Setting short and long-term goals for your therapy sessions can help ensure treatment is staying on track and that you are getting your money’s worth.

What do you suggest I work on between this session and the next?

This question helps you understand what your therapist thinks needs to be worked on before the next session. It also gives you insight into what your therapist thinks will bring meaningful and lasting change or improvement to your everyday life.

Your therapist may suggest lifestyle changes or identify habits or behaviors that may need correcting in order for you to see progress. These can include things like changes to diet, exercise schedules, or sleep patterns.

Do you have any tips for being comfortable and opening up in our sessions?

Opening up and being vulnerable doesn’t come easy for everyone. It can often induce anxiety, which may be what you are here for in the first place, so it can feel counterproductive. Letting your therapist know this and asking for tips for opening up can be beneficial.

When you let your therapist know that something makes you uncomfortable, they can make suggestions on how to approach those topics. When you become comfortable enough to share and open up with your therapist, oftentimes, this alone can lead to healing and relief.

How can we get to the bottom of the way I’m feeling?

If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, stress, or other emotional issues, it’s important to find ways to address them. Talking about these feelings with someone who has experience dealing with similar situations can help you gain clarity and perspective.

Therapy can provide you with tools to help you deal with difficult emotions and thoughts. By talking through your problems and identifying solutions, you can learn new coping skills and develop healthier relationships.

Therapy can also help you identify the underlying causes of your struggles. For example, if you struggle with anxiety, you might want to talk about how certain life experiences or life events affect your current situation. Or, if you struggle with depression, you might want to discuss how your family dynamics have affected your moods.

How can I trust what we talk about is kept confidential?

Now that you are comfortable opening up with your therapist, you want to make sure that what you tell them stays between you two. Mental health professionals are trained to abide by strict confidentiality rules. They are not allowed to disclose anything you say during a session to anyone else without your permission.

With that being said, it can still be challenging to feel totally safe, and you can trust this person. If you don’t feel safe, it can be hard to open up and share. This trust will come with time and can take as long as you let it. Keep in mind that the longer you keep them at arm’s length, the longer it can take for you to see true progress.

How should I prepare for my therapy session?

It’s important to be prepared for your session because it sets the tone for the rest of the appointment. If you aren’t ready, you may end up wasting time and energy.

Take some time before your next session to think about what you’d like to work on in your time with your therapist. Do you want to focus on one specific issue? Are there certain areas of your life that you’d like to improve? What would you like to accomplish in therapy? These are all things to consider when preparing for your next session.

How will I know if therapy is working for me?

The best way to measure whether therapy is helping you is to look at the changes you notice in yourself over time. You can take a look at the short and long-term goals you set and if they’ve been met. Your therapist may recommend journaling after each session and in between the next one so that you can look back and track your progress.

You may notice improvements in your overall mood, your ability to cope with daily stresses, or even your relationship with others. As you continue to work together, you’ll likely notice more changes across your daily life and routine.

Will you be available for support outside of scheduled therapy sessions?

If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment plan, you can always reach out to your therapist. Some therapists offer phone consultations, where you can call them directly to ask questions or get feedback. Others offer support through email or text. It’s important to note that while many therapists do offer these services, not every therapist does, so you should ask this question upfront.

Tips for Setting Yourself Up for Success with Therapy

Set Goals

Before you start therapy, it’s important to set realistic expectations. Don’t expect to change everything overnight. Instead, try setting small goals that you can achieve within the first few weeks of starting therapy.

For example, maybe you’re struggling with anxiety. Maybe you’re having trouble sleeping. Set a goal to go to bed earlier than usual and wake up feeling refreshed. Then, once you meet that goal, set another one. Try to increase your sleep hours by 30 minutes per night until you find yourself waking up feeling rested.

This approach allows you to build momentum and stay motivated throughout your journey.

Talk About Your Feelings

Talking about how you feel can help you understand why you’re experiencing certain emotions. It can also give you insight into what triggers those feelings. Talking about your feelings can help you identify patterns that might be causing problems in your life.

In addition, talking about your feelings can help your therapist better understand you. They can then use their knowledge to create an effective treatment plan.

Create a Support System

Therapy isn’t just about getting answers from your therapist. It’s also about creating a community of people who care about you. A good therapist will encourage you to talk to friends, family members, and loved ones. This helps you connect with other people who can provide emotional support as well.

It’s also important to remember that no two people experience mental health issues exactly the same way. So, don’t be afraid to share your experiences with others. In fact, sharing your story can help you gain perspective on your own situation.

Don’t Be Afraid to Communicate

Don’t be afraid to tell your therapist anything. If you think something is bothering you but aren’t sure how to express it, bring it up. Your therapist can help you figure out how to articulate your thoughts and feelings.

Your therapist can also help you develop coping skills and strategies to deal with difficult situations.


Keeping a journal is a great way to track your progress during therapy. You can write down thoughts, feelings, and observations about your day-to-day activities. Journaling can help you reflect on your experiences and learn new ways to handle stressful situations.

You can also keep a record of your interactions with your therapist. If you notice that you’re having difficulty communicating with your therapist, you can write down what happened and discuss it with your therapist.

How to Know When Therapy Is No Longer Needed

If you’ve been seeing a therapist for several months, you may wonder if you need to continue seeing them. There are some signs that indicate that you’re ready to stop therapy:

  • You’ve achieved all of the goals you set for therapy.
  • You feel like you have more control over your life and don’t need the support of therapy.
  • You feel comfortable expressing your feelings and processing emotions.
  • You’re able to cope with stress without outside support.

If any of these things sound familiar, it may be time to end your sessions. However, if you still feel like you need additional help, don’t stop seeing your therapist. Ending therapy too early can sometimes set you back a few steps, so make sure you make an informed decision.

The Bottom Line

Mental health issues affect millions of Americans every year. Fortunately, there are many different types of therapies available to help you overcome your struggles. The best thing you can do is educate yourself about the various options available. 


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